Saturday, June 30, 2012

                      "Urban Myths"                          

Myth is very popular in the human beings.The term "mythology" can refer either to the study  of myths  or to a body or collection of myths . In folkloristics, a myths is a sacred narrative usually explaining how the world or humankind came to be in its present form, although, in a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story. Myths typically involve supernatural  characters and are endorsed by rulers or priests. They may arise  as allegory for or personification  of natural phenomena, or as an explanation of ritual.  They are transmitted to convey religious  or idealized experience, to establish behavioral models, and to  teach.

 There are many urban myths in our society. Some of them are...

1. When someone going outside and watching a black cat/crow is a bad sign for her.

2. If any student  eating egg just  before the exam than he will get zero.

3. If anyone eat anything once than he/she will fall in river.

4. Suddenly, if anyone eat a little red ant than he/she will learn swim.

5. Itching the right hand means  you will get lots of money.

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